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Jason Cranford

Hi, I'm Jason Cranford. Welcome to my profile!

Jason Cranford's Bio:

Expert Botanist specializing in the organic cultivation of medical grade marijuana and the development of highly medicinal marijuana infused products. Highly experienced in greenhouse and indoor cultivation with successful projects in multiple climates and elevations. 25+ years of cultivation experience working extensively with Cannabis Expert in extractions and infusions using a variety of solvents and delivery systems Licensed Commercial Contractor with a comprehensive working knowledge of the intricacies of Grow Room designs and builds Career Highlights 2014 CANNABIS BUSINESS AWARD - inspiring the most Hope in the industry – Denver, CO 2014 Spearheading the first ever University based clinical trial studying CBD effects on seizure based disorders 2011 CBD AWARD - 1st Annual High Times Medical Cannabis Cup - Denver, CO  Successful 4 year breeding project that produced a 95% CBD plant verified through two separate independent labs Development of several CBD rich infused products including cannatol™ 1:1 and Haleigh’s Hope Won unanimous Commissioner approval from a conservative County Planning and Commission Board to use a six acre parcel for the Greenhouse Cultivation of Medical Grade Marijuana  
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